Astro Blog

🧑‍🚀 Hello, Astronaut!

Welcome to the official Astro blog starter template. This template serves as a lightweight, minimally-styled starting point for anyone looking to build a personal website, blog, or portfolio with Astro.

This template comes with a few integrations already configured in your astro.config.mjs file. You can customize your setup with Astro Integrations to add tools like Tailwind, React, or Vue to your project.

このブログ(風の何か)は Astro公式のblogテンプレート をいくつか編集し、自分好みの機能を追加したものです。 具体的には下のような機能を足しています。


Have fun! If you get stuck, remember to read the docs or join us on Discord to ask questions.

Looking for a blog template with a bit more personality? Check out astro-blog-template by Maxi Ferreira.